Since my fading days of youth.
What is wrong and what is right
And what is the truth?
Does it really matter,
In God's universal plan?
If I were to disappear,
Would He miss a grain of sand?
Would He look for me?
He's been waiting for my answer,
Since He made me in His hand.
Would I choose to follow Him
And would I make a stand?
Would I see His love for me
And would I really care?
Would I run into His arm,
If I saw Him standing there?
Would I recognize Him?
So He came down to look for me,
Shed his majesty and power.
And died on the wooden cross,
On the appointed hour.
When I saw the Son who died for me
To bear my sin and shame.
I chose to follow Him
And bear his holy name.
He came to look for me.