Sealed in an alabaster jar;
I have never set foot on desert soil,
But, still, I'm following Your star.
My journey does not end at Your manger;
For my journey began at Your Cross.
It's a walk of faith through lands of danger
With parted waters to get across.
Its purpose is not the journey's end;
For You have already taken me that far.
The release of things on which I depend
Is why I'm following Your star.
Rip the earthly crutches from my hands;
Tear, off the walls, every safety bar.
Hasten my journey through these lands
To when I finish following Your star.
Hasten the day when I know completely
What a powerful God You are.
Hasten the day when I know completely
What a loving God You are.
Hasten the day when I know completely
What a trustworthy God You are.
Hasten my journey through these lands
To when I finish following Your star.
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